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Greek Easter Cookies

We are open for in store shopping and also offering curb-side pick up or contact-free delivery in an effort to help keep our beloved community and customers safe

Providing Rockwood and its surrounding regions with the best Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Tea, Pastries, Honey, Spices, Herbs, Pottery, desserts, fresh cooked meals and so much more, that Greece has to offer.
Discover what Tithorea has to offer you, today.
Featured Video: Olive Oil Soap
This month's featured video shows how you can create your very own homemade soap out of olive oil! As you can imagine, the result is very smooth skin.

Learn More About the Numerous Health Benefits of Olive Oil
The health benefits of olive oil are extensive with new positive attributes discovered all the time. One prominent cardiologist recommends at least two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil a day to fully experiance all the ways olive oil can benefit your health.
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